Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 5

Sport Dentistry: Epidemiological Approach in Uruguay

Micaela Alejandra Carvidón Ramos*

Investigación Particular, Uruguay

*Corresponding Author: Micaela Alejandra Carvidón Ramos, Investigación Particular, Uruguay.

Received: March 12, 2024; Published: April 10, 2024


Explore the current role of Sports Dentistry in sports institutions in Uruguay, highlighting the influence of oral health on sports performance and the relevance of the use of personalized mouthguards according to the needs of the athlete, as a preventative of dental, bone, joints, soft tissues and optimizer of respiratory function. It is an analysis, in the form of a exploratory epidemiological survey, carried out through questionnaires, applied to random population of technical-health teams and athletes in Uruguay, reinforcing the hypothesis that the athlete's oral health is not considered a relevant factor at the moment. to evaluate sports performance and planned prevention work on oral health in Sports is not highlighted either.
The search engines used were Pubmed, Scielo and Medline, without a limited time period, using the descriptors: Sports dentistry, oral health in athletes, mouth guard.

Keywords: Sports Dentistry; Oral Health in Athletes; Mouthgards


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    Citation: Micaela Alejandra Carvidón Ramos. “Sport Dentistry: Epidemiological Approach in Uruguay".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 8.5 (2024): 34-40.


    Copyright: © 2024 Micaela Alejandra Carvidón Ramos. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Impact Factor1.278

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