Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 7 Issue 11

Spontaneous Healing of Mandibular Fracture after Molar Extraction in a Patient with Undiagnosed Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Case Report and Clinical Considerations

Mohamed Tlili1*, Hamed Harbi1, Faten Khanfir2, Mootaz Mlouka1, Mohamed Salah Khalfi3 and Faten Ben Amor4

1Assistant Professor, Monastir University, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Facial Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Monastir (Tunisia)
2Third-year resident, Monastir University, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Facial Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Monastir (Tunisia)
3Associate professor, Monastir University, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Facial Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Monastir (Tunisia)
4Professor, Monastir University, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Facial Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Monastir (Tunisia)

*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Tlili, Assistant Professor, Monastir University, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Facial Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Monastir (Tunisia).

Received: September 26, 2023; Published: October 21, 2023


Before implant placement, a 3D exploration to the bone volume is crucial. In some cases, we face bone defects that should be treated through alveolar ridge augmentation in order to create enough bone for endosseous implant. Two major materials have been described in this procedure: xenografts and autogenous bone graft which has been always the gold standard for bone defect corrections. In this case report, we will discuss the use of autogenous block graft from the symphysis as a method to increase bone width in order to restore the upper right incisor using an endosseous implant.

Keywords: Symphyseal Appositional Graft; Endosseous Implant; Guided Regenerated Bone; Implant Supported Prosthesis


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Citation: Mohamed Tlili., et al. “Symphysial Appositional Graft to Restore the Upper Central Incisor Site: A Case Report".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 7.11 (2023): 26-34.


Copyright: © 2023 Mohamed Tlili., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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