Non-Surgical Management of Periapical Lesion and Immature Apex with Bioceramics
and Water Based Calcium Hydroxide Paste: A Case Report
Eldho Jijy Varghese*
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Royal Dental College Chalissery, Palakkad, Kerala, India
*Corresponding Author: Eldho Jijy Varghese; Department of Conservative
Dentistry and Endodontics Royal Dental College Chalissery, Palakkad, Kerala, India.
Received: August 21, 2023; Published: September 05, 2023
Early childhood dental trauma frequently results in the persistence of immature non-vital teeth accompanied by apical periodontitis and inflammatory external root resorption. Due to the lack of a defined apical stop, such teeth provide various challenges to the clinician. The nonsurgical approach is highlighted in this case report. Endodontic treatment of a comparable patient in a unique approach, with long-term clinically favorable results.
Keywords: Periapical; Immature; Apex; Calcium Hydroxide
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