Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 11

Comparison And Evaluation of Colombian Mestizo Population Aged 5 to 13 Years Using Mcnamara's Cephalometric Norms

Olga Bibiana Salcedo-Ospina, Pedro María Jaramillo-Vallejo and Luis Gonzalo Álvarez-Sánchez

1Dentist, Comprehensive Dentistry for the Child and Maxillary Orthopedics Specialist, Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia
2Dentist, Comprehensive Dentistry for the Adolescent Specialist, Full Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia
3Bacteriologist, Biostatistics Specialist, Master in Epidemiology, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia, Full Professor, CES University

*Corresponding Author: Olga Bibiana Salcedo-Ospina, Dentist, Comprehensive Dentistry for the Child and Maxillary Orthopedics Specialist, Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia.

Received: September 14, 2022; Published: October 14, 2022


Background: Craniofacial structure is influenced by the evolutionary process of populations, which produces variations depending on ethnicities and regions. Employing cephalometry, standards have been determined for Class I patients, by age ranges and sex, but the same definition is lacking for Class III. This paper aims to characterize a Colombian mestizo population aged 5 to 13 years using McNamara's analysis measures in lateral cephalometric radiographs and to compare them with Caucasian Class I and Class III patients.

Materials and methods: A total of 1626 lateral cephalometric radiographs of patients who have not received previous treatment (851 males and 775 females; aged 5 to 13 years) were analyzed.

Results: Measurements increase with age, are lower in the female sex, and only SN-PM decreases with age. Vertical measures (ANS-Me, Na-Me, S-Go, SN-PM) and sagittal measures (Go-Gn, S-N) in mestizo people differ more from the Caucasian Class I and Class III population. Maxillomandibular differential in all ages displays significant differences when compared to the Class III group with the Colombian sample and Caucasian Class I.

Conclusions: In most measurements, the sample of mestizos shows to be significantly different from Caucasians. Skeletal Class III malocclusion differs from all malocclusions from an early age in its maxillary and mandibular components.

Keywords: Colombian Mestizo; Population; Mcnamara's


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Citation: Olga Bibiana Salcedo-Ospina., et al. “Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength Between Ceramic and Pretreated Enamel using Different Etching Systems - Sem Analysis". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.11 (2022): 97-106.


Copyright: © 2022 Olga Bibiana Salcedo-Ospina., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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