Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 8

Influence of I-PRF on Implant Stability and Marginal Bone Loss in the Posterior Mandible: A Split-Mouth Randomized Controlled Trial

Rayavarapu Sunil*, Manthena Satyanarayana Raju, MC Suresh Sajjan, D Bheemalingeswara Rao, AV Rama Raju and Y Prem Sagar

Vishnu Dental College, Vishnupur, Kovvada Village, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author: Rayavarapu Sunil, Vishnu Dental College, Vishnupur, Kovvada Village, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Received: June 24, 2022; Published: July 27, 2022


Background: PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) has been postulated to be releasing elevated concentrations of numerous growth factors and positively contribute towards bone healing and implant success. However, there is a dearth of literature on the effect of i-PRF (injectable- Platelet-rich fibrin) on dental implants' primary and secondary stability and associated marginal bone loss.

Materials and Methods: This, double-blind (patient and statastician), randomized split-mouth clinical trial was done among 12 subjects aged between 25 and 55years. Patients with bilateral edentulous sites having at least two missing posterior teeth in the mandible with intact buccal ridge width (6mm*12mm) were included. Twenty-four implant sites among study subjects were then randomly allocated to the PRF and control groups. The implant of size 4.5*10mm was placed in both groups. In the sites assigned to the PRF group, the implant surfaces were coated with i-PRF, and the prefabricated healing abutments were placed and implantswere allowed to heal for 3 months. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was done for the intergroup comparison (p = 0.01*). Implant stability quotient (ISQ), and marginal bone loss was measured

Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the ISQ values between the study groups at three months follow-up, with higher mean values observed in the PRF group (Wilcoxon signed-rank test; p = 0.01*). Intragroup analysis revealed no significant increase in ISQ values in the control group, while there was a significant increase in the ISQ values in the PRF group from baseline to 3 months (Repeated measures ANOVA; p = 0.009). There is a reduction in the crestal bone loss around implants in the PRF group after 1year compared to the control group.

Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that i-PRF secondary stability was improved after three months and crestal bone loss was reduced after 1 year.


Keywords: Alveolar Bone Loss; Implant-Supported Dental Prosthesis; Platelet-Rich Fibrin


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    Citation: Rayavarapu Sunil., et al. “Influence of I-PRF on Implant Stability and Marginal Bone Loss in the Posterior Mandible: A Split-Mouth Randomized Controlled Trial". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.8 (2022): 131-137.


    Copyright: © 2022 Rayavarapu Sunil., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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