Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 7

Screw Retained Prosthesis with Gingival Remodelling-A Key in Anterior Aesthetic Zone

Aditi Verma*, Lakshya Kumar, Mayank Singh, Uma Shanker Pal and Lanka Mahesh

Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author: Aditi Verma, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Received: May 13, 2022; Published: June 10, 2022


Bone resorption following maxillary anterior tooth extraction is common and often compromises gingival tissue levels for the implant restoration. The loss of gingival volume is a major challenge for dental surgeons to plan implant-supported fixed prosthesis in such cases. particularly from an aesthetics perspective. The creation of predictable peri-implant aesthetics requires proper understanding and preservation of the osseous and gingival tissue surrounding the failing tooth. Gingival tissue remodeling can help in papillae formation to avoid soft tissue surgery by re-establishing the appropriate shape and gingival contour of the tissues. This improves not only the aesthetics, but also the phonetics of the patient.

The present paper describes a clinical case of gingival conditioning obtained with implant-supported fixed partial dentures. The purpose of the gingival conditioning was to obtain improved aesthetics. Gingival conditioning by application of pressure from the convex surface of the pontic of a screw retained fixed implant prosthesis, is presented as an easy, non-traumatic technique that improves gingival aesthetics.

Keywords: Screw Retained Fixed Implant Prosthesis; Gingival Remodeling; Convex


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Citation: Aditi Verma., et al. “Screw Retained Prosthesis with Gingival Remodelling-A Key in Anterior Aesthetic Zone". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.7 (2022): 39-42.


Copyright: © 2022 Aditi Verma., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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