Rajib Sikdar, Anisha Bag, Supreet Shirolkar*, Khooshbu Gayen, Subir Sarkar and Somen Roychowdhury
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Kolkata, India
*Corresponding Author: Supreet Shirolkar, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital, Kolkata, India.
Received: December 31, 2021; Published: January 25, 2022
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing technique that entails depositing many layers of material to make a three-dimensional (3D) object. 3D printers are machines that produce representations of items created with CAD software or scanned with a 3D scanner. Selective laser sintering (SLS), stereolithography, fused deposition modeling, and laminated object creation are just a few of the technologies we can employ to print numerous dental goods. The materials can be used to print individual imprint trays, orthodontic models, gingiva masks, and a variety of prosthetics. Diagnostics, maxillofacial growth evaluation, facial asymmetry, and the fabrication of aligners for children with malalignment are all made possible with 3D printed products in paediatric dentistry.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Bioprinting; Bone Augmentation Regeneration; Scaffolds
Citation: Rajib Sikdar., et al. “3D Printing: Its Application in Pediatric Dental Practice”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.2 (2022): 103-111.
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