Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Review ArticleVolume 5 Issue 9

Dentoalveolar Surgery and Orthodontics- A Review

Gutierrez C Michelle1 and Parra V Victor2*

1Dentist Surgeon UNAB, Meritorious Specialty of Orthodontics, Spain
2Dentist Surgeon UNAB, Meritorious Specialty of Cirugía and Maxillofacial Traumatology, Spain

*Corresponding Author: Parra V Victor, Dentist Surgeon UNAB, Meritorious Specialty of Cirugía and Maxillofacial Traumatology, Spain.

Received: July 05, 2021; Published: : August 05, 2021

Citation: Gutierrez C Michelle and Parra V Victor. “Dentoalveolar Surgery and Orthodontics- A Review". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 5.9 (2021): 21-25.


Dentoalveolar surgical procedures in orthodontic treatment may prove to be an alternative method to reduce treatment time and improve outcome in adolescent and adult patients. This article reviews the clinical surgical practice in orthodontic treatment, indications and biological principles, as well as the limitations and risks of surgical techniques.

Keywords: Corticotomy; Dentoalveolar Surgery; Orthodontics


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Copyright: © 2021 Gutierrez C Michelle and Parra V Victor. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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