Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research ArticleVolume 5 Issue 8

To Evaluate the Knowledge, Attitudes towards Prosthodontic Rehabilitation among Mithilanchal Population

Rafi Ahmed1, Mahesh Suganna2*, Roushan Kumar1 and Shivam Sulok1

1Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Technology, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Mahesh Suganna, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Technology, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Received: June 21, 2021; Published: : July , 2021

Citation: Mahesh Suganna., et al. “To Evaluate the Knowledge, Attitudes towards Prosthodontic Rehabilitation among Mithilanchal Population". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 5.8 (2021): 27-42.


Introduction: Dental care has always been an integral part of general wellbeing. Realization and consciousness of the same plays a significant role in determining the dental health of an individual. Miserable oral conditions and loss of teeth including complete loss or partial loss, is nearly the same as to dental death. Awareness and knowledge of the oral health is important for the acceptance of artificial prosthesis by the patient. The Prosthodontic health status and Prosthodontic rehabilitation needs of Mithilanchal population and its adjoining areas are not well documented. Hence this study has been designed to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude and behavior of a group of people in Mithilanchal Population, Bihar towards the options available for replacing missing teeth and factors preventing them from taking treatment.

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in Mithilanchal population, Bihar population. The Present study is a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey which was conducted at Mithila Minority Dental college and Hospital, Darbhanga and the surrounding areas. The study involved sample population consisting of 200 subjects (113 males, 87 females) of age group more than 25 years. A random selection of samples was done from the patients and people accompanying the patients who has participated in the survey.

Assembled data were statistically examined and scanned using SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) version 25.0 and descriptive statistics carried using Med Calc software along with chi- squared test at a significance level of p ≤ 0.05.

Results: This sample population consisted of 56.5% males and 43.5% females with the age group of more than 25 years. Out of the 200 participants, 85.5% were aware of the replacement of teeth with no statistical significance difference among them. 84.0% had the positive attitude towards replacement of missing teeth and towards the prosthodontic rehabilitation and majority of people preferred fixed partial denture (41.7%) as the mode of replacement as compared to other mode of prosthesis because of the better chewing ability, speech and esthetics. Financial constraints (45.7%) is found to be the major reason that many of them did not went for the prosthesis, considering the fact that they had the knowledge for replacement of teeth. This study helped in assessing patient’s compliance and awareness and the results obtained by analyzing individuals thought process regarding approvement or disagreement in the selection of prosthesis can be utilized in upgrading patient’s motivation which will lead to favorable decision opting in future.

Keywords: Knowledge; Awareness, Survey; Prosthodontic Treatment


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