Munis Mukhtar1*, Zehra Tariq2 and Maaz Asaad3
1Oral Implantology (Germany), Diplomat International Congress of Oral Implantologist) (USA), Karachi, Pakistan
2Karachi, Pakistan
3Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Baqai Medical University, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Munis Mukhtar, Director Academy of Orofacial Aesthetics, Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologist, Karachi, Pakistan.
Received: October 22, 2020; Published: November 25, 2020
Peri-implantitis is a chronic complication affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding the dental implant. The prevalence of peri-implantitis ranges from 21% on implant-level, and 34% on patient-level. Several treatment methods have been proposed that are aimed at arresting the disease and potentially regenerating bone defects related to it. Here, we report the case of a patient presented with cement induced peri-implantitis of moderate severity with thin, mobile soft tissue and a probing depth of 6mm two years post-implant placement. A radiographic assessment revealed bone resorption of about 40% of the length of the implant. Mechanical and Chemical debridement, followed by hard and soft tissue grafting, was employed as a treatment modality for the successful resolution of peri-implantitis.
Keywords: Peri-implantitis; Cement Induced Peri-implantitis; Implantoplasty; Guided Bone Regeneration; Free Gingival Graft
Citation: Munis Mukhtar., et al. “Peri-implantitis Seeded by Permanent Cement - A Case Report from Karachi, Pakistan". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.12 (2020): 92-97.
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