Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 11

Accidental Dislodgement of Separated Instrument in the Maxillary Sinus: A Unusual Case

Avisha Agrawal*, Pratima Shenoi, Rajesh Kubde, Snehal Sonarkar, Gautam Badole, Vandana Kokane, Ankita Ramteke and Purabi Edbor

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, VSPM Dental College, Nagpur, India

*Corresponding Author: Avisha Agrawal, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, VSPM Dental College, Nagpur, India.

Received: September 30, 2020; Published: October 28, 2020



  Root canal therapy consists of a cascade of scientifically-based technical procedures. Failure to follow the standard protocols and lack of knowledge can lead to a number of iatrogenic accidents which are collectively called “endodontic mishaps”. One of the most frequently encountered endodontic mishap is a separation of the endodontic instrument. Heroic attempts to remove separated instrument may lead to dislodgment of instrument in the periapical area. At times such instrument get dislodged in the maxillary sinus when treating upper maxillary molars and canines. Separated instrument in maxillary sinus, irrespective of their origin or nature, act as foreign body and Such objects should normally be removed at the earliest in order to minimize the likelihood of maxillary sinus complications. Studies have shown that some of the objects can cause chronic sinusitis because of the invasion of the sinus by highly virulent bacteria, while some remains asymptomatic. It is an uncommon finding to observe, an asymptomatic dental endodontic instrument in a position so close to the maxillary sinus without any oro-antral fistula formation and/or sinusitis attacks. This paper presents the case of a separated endodontic instrument which was pushed inadvertently in the maxillary sinus of a 41-year-old female patient.

Keywords: CBCT; Endodontic Instrument; Root Canal Treatment; Separation



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Citation: Avisha Agrawal., et al. “Accidental Dislodgement of Separated Instrument in the Maxillary Sinus: A Unusual Case". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.11 (2020): 68-73.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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