Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Porcelain Laminate Veneers-Current State of the Art in Aesthetic Dentistry


Ajit Jankar1, Suresh Kamble2, Sachin Chaware3, Shruti Botwe4, Suraj Sonawane4 and Madhavi Galale4*

1Head of Department and PG Guide, Department of Prosthodontics, MIDSR Dental College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
2Principal, Department of Prosthodontics, MIDSR Dental College, Latur, Maharashtra, India
3Professor and PG Guide, Department of Prosthodontics, MGV’s KBH Dental College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
4Post Graduate Student, Department of Prosthodontics, MIDSR Dental College, Latur, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Madhavi Galale, Post Graduate Student, Department of Prosthodontics, MIDSR Dental College, Latur, Maharashtra, India.

Received: July 24, 2020; Published: August 25, 2020



Porcelain laminate veneers have been proved to be durable and an aesthetic treatment modality in dental clinics. Dental porcelain has become the most widely used material for the construction of crowns in dentistry because of its excellent esthetic properties and its ability to duplicate the appearance of natural tooth structure. It is a conservative and non-invasive technique treating aesthetic and functional problems in the anterior teeth. Nowadays, innumerable variety of dental ceramics are available for fabricating laminate veneers. It is imperative for clinicians to know and understand the composition and properties of these materials to choose the appropriate option according to clinical situations.

Keywords: Dental Ceramics; Laminate Veneers; Zirconia Based Ceramic



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Citation: Madhavi Galale.,et al. “Porcelain Laminate Veneers-Current State of the Art in Aesthetic Dentistry”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.9 (2020): 103-107.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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