Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 9

Intraosseous Odontoma Erupted: Diagnosis and Treatment

Estefanía Raquel Fernández1*, González María M2, Barrios Evelin E3 and Krupp Sebastián4

1First Category Auxiliary Teacher of Clinical Stomatology, UNNE-CONICET Research Fellow, Department Stomatological and Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina
2Doctor in Dentistry, Professor of Clinical Stomatology, Department Stomatological and Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina
3First Category Auxiliary Teacher of Clinical Stomatology, UNNE Research Fellow, Department Stomatological and Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina
4Assistant Professor of Surgery II Dento Maxillary, Buco MaxiloFacial Surgery and Traumatology Specialist, Department Stomatological and Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina

*Corresponding Author: Estefanía Raquel Fernández, First Category Auxiliary Teacher of Clinical Stomatology, UNNE-CONICET Research Fellow, Department Stomatological and Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry National University of the Northeast, Corrientes, Argentina.

Received: June 20, 2020; Published: August 25, 2020



Odontoma is the most frequent benign odontogenic tumor in the oral cavity, especially in the anterior sector of the maxilla, with a greater predominance in men in a 1.5: 1 ratio, diagnosed between the first and second decades of life. It is a pathology where the dental tissues are normal, but its structure is disorganized. Regarding the etiology, it is related to trauma, morpho differentiation, genetic disorders and Malassez remains. They are of limited growth, asymptomatic and are responsible for the bone retention of permanent teeth. The therapeutic treatment of choice is surgical excision and they generally do not recur. The following report presents a 28-year-old male patient who attended the Dental Clinic Service of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of the Northeast for cosmetic reasons and upper lip discomfort when speaking. The clinical, radiographic and histopathological study confirmed the presence of a complex odontoma erupted above the dental piece 5.4 still present in the oral cavity. It was successfully removed without postoperative complications. This clinical case is of great diagnostic interest compared to other pathologies with similar characteristics. The success of the treatment was the result of a correct clinical, radiographic and histopathological diagnosis.

Keywords: Odontogenic Tumor; Complex Odontoma; Maxilla; Temporary Tooth; Eruption



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Citation: Estefanía Raquel Fernández.,et al. “Intraosseous Odontoma Erupted: Diagnosis and Treatment”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.9 (2020): 97-102.


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Impact Factor1.278

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