Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Validation of the Distance between Upper Canine Gingival Margin Zenith to Ipsilateral Lower Canine Gingival Margin Zenith as Method for Determination of the Occlusal Vertical Dimension

Cristian Abad-Coronel1* and Rubén Arindia2

1Associate Professor of Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
2Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

*Corresponding Author: Cristian Abad-Coronel, Associate Professor of Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador.

Received: July 14, 2020; Published: August 12, 2020



Background: The vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) is one of the most important parameters to consider for diagnosis and treatment planning in a prosthetic rehabilitation. Various methods to determine it have been proposed throughout the scientific literature, without establishing a universally accepted method. Various factors, such as the differences in the biotype and phenotypic characteristics of the patients in certain populations, could generate variations in the measurements obtained.

Objective: This study aimed to validate a method of evaluation and determination of VDO in subjects belonging to a particular population.

Methods: 142 individuals belonging to an Ecuadorian population with healthy and complete dentition were evaluated. The VDO was recorded by taking a distance from the gingival margin zenith of the upper canine to the gingival margin zenith of the ipsilateral lower canine.

Results: The results obtained were consistent among the evaluated subjects, determining an average value of 17 mm corresponding to the VDO. The higher frequency of individuals presented a value of 18 mm, which is in agreement with previous findings.

Conclusion: The method replicated in this study could be suggested as a valid reference for determining and evaluating VDO in patients with a normal occlusion, which would serve to diagnose and to plan future comprehensive restorative treatments.

Keywords: Occlusal Vertical Dimension; Vertical Dimension; Gingival Margin Zenith



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Citation: Cristian Abad-Coronel and Rubén Arindia. “Validation of the Distance between Upper Canine Gingival Margin Zenith to Ipsilateral Lower Canine Gingival Margin Zenith as Method for Determination of the Occlusal Vertical Dimension". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.9 (2020): 37-42.


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