Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Dentistry in the Post COVID-19 World- Are We Prepared?

Vrushali Abhyankar1*, Gabriela Fernandes2, Vinay Jain3and Paul Luepke4

1Assistant Professor, Periodontology, Diplomate, American Academy of Periodontology, UTHSC, College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA
2Department of Oral Biology, Suny, Buffalo, New-York, USA
3Associate Professor, Prosthodontics, UTHSC, College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA
4Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Periodontology, UTHSC, College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA

*Corresponding Author: Vrushali Abhyankar, Assistant Professor, Periodontology, Diplomate, American Academy of Periodontology, UTHSC, College of Dentistry, Memphis, TN, USA.

Received: June 11, 2020; Published: June 30, 2020



Background: Covid-19 pandemic has affected dental profession tremendously and has placed dentists and dental professionals in the very high exposure risk jobs. Practicing dentistry requires the provider to be in close proximity of the patients and their oral cavity. Many dental procedures tend to generate aerosols owing to the use of an air rotor or highspeed handpiece. The impact of Covid-19 on dentistry, like all other professions is ever evolving and newer guidelines are published almost every day. The authors also examine the ethical, psychological and financial implications of this pandemic to the dental professionals as well as patients. The important role of organized dentistry is highlighted in facilitating change to adapt to the new norm and implement the safer practice guidelines.

Conclusion: The authors conclude that significant changes need to be undertaken to protect patients, dental professionals, auxiliary personnel.

Keywords: Covid-19; Dentistry; PPE; Ethics; Aerosols; Implications; Coronavirus



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Citation: Vrushali Abhyankar., et al. “Dentistry in the Post COVID-19 World- Are We Prepared?”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.7 (2020): 115-121.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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