Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Relationship between Inflammation-Related Markers in Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid and Clinical Parameters in Partially Edentulous Saudi Arabian Diabetic Subjects

Shaden Aljabr1, Mansoorpdf/ASDS, Sami Shafik3, Naghshbandi Jafar4, Nasser Al-Daghri5, Osama Amer5 and Khalid Al-Hezaimi6*

1Postgraduate Student, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2Associate Professor, Vice Rector, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
3Professor of Periodontics, Dental School, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
4Head of Periodontology Department, School of Dentistry, Tishk International University, Erbil-Kurdistan, Iraq
5Chair for Biomarkers of Chronic Diseases, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
6Professor, Endodontics & Periodontics Department, School of Dentistry, Riyadh Elm University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

*Corresponding Author: Khalid Al-Hezaimi, Professor, Endodontics & Periodont

Received: May 18, 2020; Published: June 30, 2020



Introduction: A high prevalence of diabetes mellitus and dental caries in Saudi Arabian population is overwhelmingly reported. The aim of the study was to assess the following: 1) clinical findings of PD, BOP, and amount of keratinized tissue present around dental implant and 2) PICF levels of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 in diabetic and non-diabetic partially edentulous Saudi Arabian subjects.

Materials and Methods: Total of 32 partially edentulous subjects, 16 diabetic and 16 non-diabetic, were included in the study. PICF samples were taken from peri-implant sulcus using paper point and PCR essays for IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 was performed. Clinical parameters of peri-implant PD, BOP and amount of keratinized tissue were recorded.

Results: Diabetic subjects had more significant BOP than non-diabetic counterparts (p-<0.001). No significant difference was found between diabetic and non-diabetic patients in the amount of keratinized tissue (P < 0.765). A significant high level of IL-6 in diabetic subjects when compared to healthy subjects (P < 0.033). No significant difference between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects in the serum level of IL-1α (P < 0.121), IL-1β (P < 0.171) and IL-8 (P < 0.223). A positive correlation between increased serum level of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 with increased PD was determined.

Conclusion: PD, BOP and PICF IL-6 levels were found to be significantly higher in Saudi Arabian diabetic subjects compared to Saudi non-diabetic subjects. Also, a positive relation found between deep PD and four inflammatory markers which are IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8.

Keywords: Implant; Diabetes; Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid; IL-1α; IL-1β; IL-6; IL-8; Diabetic Saudi Arabian



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Citation: Al-Hezaimi., et al. “Relationship between Inflammation-Related Markers in Peri-Implant Crevicular Fluid and Clinical Parameters in Partially Edentulous Saudi Arabian Diabetic Subjects” Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.7 (2020): 101-106.


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Impact Factor1.278

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