Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 7

Non-Surgical Management of Unusually Large Chronic Recurrent Periapical Abscess and an Insight on Periapical Radiolucencies

Swati Gupta1, Ramakant Gupta2* and Manju Gupta3


1Senior Consultant, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Dr. Jatinder Gupta’s Gupta Clinic and Opticals, Haryana, India
2Head and Consultant, Department of Dental Services, Dr. Jatinder Gupta’s Gupta Clinic and Opticals, Haryana, India
3Director and Clinic coordinator, Dr. Jatinder Gupta’s Gupta Clinic and Opticals, Haryana, India

*Corresponding Author: Ramakant Gupta, Head and Consultant, Department of Dental Services, Dr. Jatinder Gupta’s Gupta Clinic and Opticals, Haryana, India.

Received: April 02, 2020; Published: June 22, 2020



Recurrent inflammatory periapical lesions are commonly encountered oral pathologies. The usual cause of these periapical lesions is endodontic in nature and can be easily treated by endodontic treatment. They exhibit wide biologic behaviors and their presentation as recurrent pus discharging ulcers can lead to patient’s apprehension and even be cause for clinician’s anxiety. This is because many non-endodontic causes may also lead to periapical lesions. A thorough knowledge about them therefore, is crucial for clinicians not only to properly diagnose and manage such cases, but is also important to safeguard themselves from patient’s evil intentions of making easy money by claiming refund. The present case is one such example where unusually large chronic recurrent periapical abscess was managed with non- surgical endodontic treatment. With this case report, authors intend to discuss the different periapical radiolucencies and explain scientific guidelines for their adequate diagnosis and management.

Keywords: Endodontic; Non-endodontic; Periapical; Recurrent; Radiolucency



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Citation: Ramakant Gupta., et al. “Non-Surgical Management of Unusually Large Chronic Recurrent Periapical Abscess and an Insight on Periapical Radiolucencies”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.7 (2020): 64-71.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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