Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Abstract Volume 4 Issue 5

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Siebert’s Class II Case and Pier Abutments - Case Report


Swati Pustake1, Kanchan Bagul2, Sachin Chaware3* and Preetha Negi4

1Reader, MGV KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, India
2PG Student, MGV KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, India
3Professor, MGV KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, India
4Lecturer, MGV KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, India

*Corresponding Author: Sachin Chaware, Professor, MGV KBH Dental College and Hospital, Nasik, India.

Received: March 28, 2020; Published: April 28, 2020



  Replacement of teeth with periodontally compromised abutment is a challenge. A tough choice of aesthetics over function is often made by the operator for the satisfaction of the patient. The modified concepts of fixed partial dentures allow one to choose longevity of the prosthesis by not compromising on the aesthetic factors. Ridge defect often leads to a convenient treatment option of removable partial dentures which will not be preferred by the patient. Andrews bridge a fixed removable type of prosthesis is perfect solution for this situation. In long span multiple missing cases Nonrigid connectors have been recommended to reduce the forces as they provide a stress-breaking effect. In this case report, there are two opportunities that allow us to incorporate the modified fixed partial denture technique. Andrews bridge in the lower anterior segment to mask the ridge loss and the posterior long span FPD with a tenon mortise attachment. These two attachments used in this case not only prolongs the life of already compromised anterior teeth but also allows the posterior abutment to remain healthy throughout in long span fixed partial dentures.

Keywords: Andrews Bridge; Pier Abutments; Removable Fixed Prosthesis; Multiple Missing Teeth; Hader Bar; Tenon Mortis



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Citation: Sachin Chaware., et al. “Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Siebert’s Class II Case and Pier Abutments - Case Report”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.5 (2020): 52-59.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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