Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Abstract Volume 4 Issue 5

Ameloblastoma: Case Report

Isaque Toledo Zimmermann* and Milena Bortolotto Felippe Silva

Department of Dentistry, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Isaque Toledo Zimmermann, Department of Dentistry, Brazil.

Received: January 31, 2020; Published: April 27, 2020



  Ameloblastomas are rare odontogenic tumors of the jaws, more frequently found in mandible. Etiology, clinical and histological behavior and various modality of treatment has been extensively discussed. Conservative treatment sometimes associated to additional procedures has been used as a good option for many treatments of this tumor. The present article has for objective describe a case of ameloblastoma of jaw treated by conservative methods where jaw fracture occurred as a complication of this initial therapeutics.

Keywords: Ameloblastoma; Conservative Treatment; Cryotherapy; Jaw Fracture



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Citation: Isaque Toledo Zimmermann and Milena Bortolotto Felippe Silva. “Ameloblastoma: Case Report”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.5 (2020): 42-46.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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