Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Common Radiographic Errors in Dentistry

Umair Dastgir Bhatti*, Areeba Raisat Nehra, Arooj Tariq, Imrah Rafique and Gul muhammad shaikh*

Foundation University College of Dentistry, Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Umair Dastgir Bhatti, Professor and Head of Community Dentistry, Foundation University College of Dentistry, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Received: January 20, 2020; Published: February 05, 2020



  Intraoral radiographs are the backbone of dentistry and periapical radiographs are most commonly used intra oral radiographs. It was aimed to assess the error seen in periapical radiographs and to evaluate the types of error in association with anatomical structures. A retrospective study design was followed. The data of 3544 repeated periapical x-ray was retrieved from department of oral maxillofacial Radiology University of Lahore from year 2012 - 2016. A total 3544 repeated periapical radiographs were evaluated. According to anatomical region the percentage error in maxillary region was found as 81.9% while in mandibular region it was 19.1%. In accordance to types of error highest percentage error was found as overlapping 16.9%, crown cut 13.4%, absence of required tooth in the center of the film 11.7%, over exposed 10.2%. Other errors that were reported are cone cutting 8.3%, elongation 7.0%, under exposure 6.8%, improper film orientation 6.4%, processing errors 5.6%, absence of periapical region 3.1%, shortening 2.6%, artifacts 2.6%, finger marks 1.9%, light exposure 1.8%, movement blur 1.2% and back exposed 0.5%. This study has classified the types of radiographic errors with respect to their anatomical regions. Acknowledging the percentage of these errors will help dentist to reduce the incidence of repetition of dental radiographs, so that dentist can make better diagnosis and provide high quality treatment planning to the patient.

Keywords: Radiographic; Dentistry



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Citation: Umair Dastgir Bhatti., et al. “Common Radiographic Errors in Dentistry”.Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.3 (2020): 02-05.


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Impact Factor1.278

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