Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 1

Assessment of Apically Extruded Debris of Mesial Root of Lower Molar Using Protaper Rotary Files Versus Hyflex and Neolix Rotary Files(A Comparative Invitro Study)

Islam Talaat Ezzat Ameen1*, Nehal Nabil Roshdy2 and Manar Yehia Fouda3

1Master Degree Student, Endodontic Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

2Associate Professor of Endodontics, Endodontic Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

3Professor of Endodontics, Endodontic Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Manar Yehia Fouda, Professor of Endodontics, Endodontic Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

Received: November 29, 2019; Published: December 23, 2019



  As a consequence of root canal preparation, dentinal chips, irrigants and pulp remnants are extruded into preradicular space. This phenomenon may lead to post endodontic flare-ups.

The Objective: Of this study was to compare the amount of extruded debris with three endodontic NiTi enginedriven systems.

Material and Methods: A total number of 63 freshly extracted human molars were selected. Teeth were divided randomly into three equal groups (21 teeth each group) according to type of Ni-Ti rotary file system; (A) Protaper Next, (B) Hyflex CM and (C) Neolix. Standard Access cavity prepared and checked for patency using K file #10 and #15. Root canal instrumentation on mesial root canals done. Root canal instrumentation on mesial root canals done. Debris were collected after mesial root instrumentation in pre-weighed eppendorf tubes. The eppendorf tubes were weighed 2 times on the analytical balance: First weight: Before instrumentation. Second weight: After evaporation of moisture and irrigant and incubation.

Results: Neolix rotary system showed least amount of extruded debris while Hyflex CM rotary system showed highest amount of extruded debris.

Conclusion: All endodontic rotary instruments tested produced apical extrusion of debris.

Keywords: Controlled Memory; Debris Extrusion; Mandibular Molar Teeth; Root Canal Preparation; Rotary Instrumentation; Protaper Next; Neolix Rotary Files; Hyflex CM



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Citation: Islam Talaat Ezzat Ameen., et al. "Assessment of Apically Extruded Debris of Mesial Root of Lower Molar Using Protaper Rotary Files Versus Hyflex and Neolix Rotary Files(A Comparative Invitro Study)".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.1 (2020): 76-81.


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