Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 1

Chemical Composition of Pozzolan-Based Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An X-Ray Diffraction Analysis

Ayse Karadayi, Dilek Turkaydin and Fatima Betul Basturk*

Marmara University, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

*Corresponding Author: Fatima Betul Basturk, Marmara University, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Received: November 26, 2019; Published: December 16, 2019



Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the constitution of two pozzolan-based bioactive endodontic cements using x-ray diffraction analysis.

Materials and Methods: The materials analyzed were Endocem MTA and Endocem Zr (Maruchi, Wonju-si, Korea). XRD sample holders with internal dimensions of 0.1 mm high and a 20.0 mm diameter were used. Samples were presented in powder form on a single crystal sample holder to avoid unwanted diffraction peaks. X-ray diffractometer (XRD, Bruker D2 Phaser, Karlsruhe, Germany) used Ni-filtered CuKa radiation at 30 Kv and 10 mA Cu tube with 1,54184 Å wavelength. Scans were undertaken in the range 10°–70° 2Ɵ. Phase identification was accomplished by use of search- match software utilizing International Centre for Diffraction Data database (ICDD, Pennsylvania, PA, USA).

Results: Endocem MTA analyzed by XRD were comprised of bismuth oxide (at 25.844°and 27,014° 2Ɵ), tricalcium silicate oxide (at 29.541°and 32.207° 2Ɵ), dicalcium silicate (at 32.186° 2Ɵ) and calcium hydroxide (at 18.171° and 34.032° 2Ɵ). Endocem Zr analyzed by XRD were comprised of tricalcium silicate oxide (at 29.564° and 32.215° 2Ɵ), dicalcium silicate (at 32.171° 2Ɵ) and calcium hydroxide (at 18.142° and 34.25° 2Ɵ). Endocem Zr and Endocem MTA have a similar chemical composition with some differences: Endocem Zr contains a significant amount of zirconium and Endocem MTA contains bismuth oxide.

Conclusion: The XRD analysis showed that unhydrated MTA to be composed primarily of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate and bismuth oxide. The formation of calcium hydroxide showed that MTA could start hydrating even in the absence of water, probably because of the atmospheric moisture.

Keywords: Bismuth Oxide; Endo CEM; Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Pozzolan; Portland



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Citation: Fatima Betul Basturk., et al. "Chemical Composition of Pozzolan-Based Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An X-Ray Diffraction Analysis".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 4.1 (2020): 58-61.


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