Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 7

Biostatistical and Mathematical Analysis on Diversion Cover Plate During COVID-19 Pandemic

Bin Zhao1* and Xia Jiang2

1School of Science, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
22Hospital, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China

*Corresponding Author: Bin Zhao, School of Science, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Received: October 10, 2022; Published: November 22, 2022



Submarine sailing under the water, because of the attack, misoperation, equipment failure, collision, fire and other factors, the risk of wreck always exists. How to escape and how to carry out effective rescue is a problem that needs to be solved for the navy of submarine owner country since submarine came into being. In order to improve the ability to float out of danger, some submarines are equipped with gas blowing equipment or hydrazine blowing equipment (two kinds of chemical liquid mixed to produce a large amount of high pressure gas) for emergency ballast jetting, so that the submarine quickly drainage up to float. Some submarines are equipped with quick drift escape device and collective escape with buoyancy ball, buoyancy cylinder, etc. In this paper, the motion characteristics of a simplified diversion cover plate used for buoyancy ball are studied and a differential equation solution is given during COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: The Submarine; Guide Plate; Movement Characteristics



Citation: Bin Zhao and Xia Jiang. “Biostatistical and Mathematical Analysis on Diversion Cover Plate During COVID-19 Pandemic". Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System 1.7 (2022): 06-08.

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