Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 7

A Correlation Study Between Aerobic Capacity and Breathing Pattern in Obese Adults

Sakshi Arora* and Srishti Arora

Department of Physiotherapy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, India

*Corresponding Author: Sakshi Arora, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, India.

Received: September 15, 2022; Published: November 11, 2022



Objectives: To evaluate the correlation between the aerobic capacity and breathing pattern in obese adults.

Methods: Thirty young obese adults in the age group of 18-25 (college students) were selected for the study. Weight in kilos divided by height in square metres was used to calculate body mass index. The aerobic capacity was predicted by YMCA-3 min step test. The breathing pattern was assessed with the breathing hi-lo test.

Results: YMCA 3 min step test shows highly significant negative correlation with breathing pattern, r = -0.310, p < 0.05. BMI shows highly significant negative correlation with breathing pattern, r = -0.565, p < 0.05. In contrast, BMI shows highly significant positive correlation with YMCA 3 min step test score, r = -0.565, p < 0.

Conclusion: The findings indicate that in young obese people, there was a strong inverse relationship between aerobic capacity and breathing pattern. These results highlight the significance of obese people' poor cardiorespiratory fitness, which may play a role in the later onset of cardiovascular co-morbidities in middle life.

Keywords: Obesity, BMI, Aerobic Capacity, Breathing, YMCA 3 min step test



Citation: Sakshi Arora and Srishti Arora. “A Correlation Study Between Aerobic Capacity and Breathing Pattern in Obese Adults". Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System 1.7 (2022): 02-05.

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