Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 6

New Opportunities in the Treatment of Anemic Syndrome in Chronic Heart Failure

Kamala Zahidova* and Faik Guliyev

Department of Cardiology, Azerbaijan State Advance Training Institute for Doctors, Baku, Azerbaijan

*Corresponding Author: Kamala Zahidova, Department of Cardiology, Azerbaijan State Advance Training Institute for Doctors, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Received: August 29, 2022; Published: October 28, 2022



The Research Objective: The purpose of this study is, given the impact of anemia on the clinic and the course of chronic heart failure (CHF), based on optimal diagnostic methods, the development of new differentiated methods for treating patients with CHF and anemia, including erythropoietin preparations methoxypolyethylene glycol epoetin beta (MPEB) and intravenous (IV) iron in combination with basic therapy.

The Research Methods: 127 patients with CHF of ishemic aethology were included in the study, surveyed. The mean age of patients was 60,6 ± 1,4 years. Of these, 93 patients were diagnosed with anemia. As a control group, 34 patients with CHF without anemia were examined. According to the therapeutic tactics with the use of combination MPEB at dose of 0,60 mсg/kg (50 units) and IV iron III hydroxide sucrose complex at a dose of 200 mg (Venofer), all patients, depending on therapeutic tactics, 2 groups. In all patients, the levels of Hb, ferrithin, of transferrin saturation (TS), erythropoietin (EPO), NTproBNP, IL-1,IL-6, TNF-α in blood plazma, parameters of systolic and diastolic function of left ventricular (LV) of methods doppler echocardiography before and after treatment..

The Research Analysis: The study showed that as a result of the negative effect of anemia on the CHF clinic, there is a decrease or absence of the effect of drugs of the baseline: positive dynamics of LVEF, LVMM, parameters of LV diastolic function and test with 6-MWT absent. There is no positive dynamics of Hb, Ht, ferritin, TS, EPO, NTproBNP, IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in blood plasma in patients with I-IV NYHA class CHF with anemia against baseline therapy.

The Research Results: The results of the parameters of the systolic function of the LV in patients with CHF I-II NYHA class with anemia of group II on the background of the therapy. There is an increase in LVEF by 12.2% (p < 0.001) on the background of combined MPEB therapy with IV [III] hydroxide sucrose complex. In patients in CHF with anemia and hypoerithropoietinemia with ID, use combined therapy with of the MPEB and IV iron Venofer. The levels of Hb increase 8,4% (p < 0,01), Ht, ferritin, TS, EPO, NTproBNP, IL-6 are positive. The indicator of 6-MWT was significantly increased by 21,6% (p < 0,001) and 64,9% (p < 0,001), respectively. There is an increase in LVEF by 12.2%. The 6-MWT significantly increased to 64,9 %

The Research Conclusion: The patients in CHF with anemia, combined therapy with the appointment of the MPEB and IV iron contributes to reliable positive dynamics of Hb, ferritin, TS and EPO, LV myocardium. In the treatment of patients in CHF with anemia, ia, there is a need for differentiation depending on the levels of such important parameters as plasma ferritin, TS and EPO.

Keywords: Heart Failure; Anemia; Erythropoietin; Ferritin; Methoxypolyethyleneglycolepoetin Beta; Iron (III) Sucrose



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Citation: Kamala Zahidova and Faik Guliyev. “New Opportunities in the Treatment of Anemic Syndrome in Chronic Heart Failure". Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System 1.6 (2022): 14-26.

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