Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System

Review Article Volume 1 Issue 5

Heart Failure in Cancer Patients, from Diagnosis to Treatment

Marcos José Pereira Renni1*, André Nunes de Carvalho2 and Wolney de Andrade Martins3

1Doctor in Medicine by UFRJ, Scholarship Holder Researcher in the Clinical Research Division of the INCA, Brazil

2Medical Shcool at University od State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

3PhD in Science- Cardiology at USP, Associated Professor at Medical School of Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Marcos José Pereira Renni, Doctor in Medicine by UFRJ, Scholarship Holder Researcher in the Clinical Research Division of the INCA, Brazil.

Received: July 25,2022; Published: September 29, 2022


Antineoplastic therapies can often lead to cardiovascular sequelae. Some patients present symptoms during cancer treatment, requiring immediate intervention to complete their treatment adequately and effectively.

Discussion: According to Cardinale., et al. 2013, patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment present a new cardiovascular risk factor, and as such, should be monitored like other traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Diagnostic methods for heart failure due to cardiotoxicity such as two-dimensional echocardiography, strain, and biomarkers are being used for early detection of myocardial damage. Once cardiac dysfunction is detected, it is necessary to intervene with drugs that improve myocardial function and thus enable the patient to finish the cancer treatment. New drugs recommended for the treatment of HF, can be used in these patients in addition to standard therapy, allowing a significant improvement in LVEF.

Conclusion: Cardio-oncology has also advanced in the last decade seeking to meet the demands generated by cancer therapies and improve the clinical conditions of patients. We believe that it is important to remember that cancer survivors exposed to potentially cardiotoxic therapies should be periodically monitored in the long term, since HF can develop several years after cancer therapy.


Keywords: Heart Failure; Cancer Patients; Diagnosis; Treatment



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Citation: Marcos José Pereira Renni., et al. “Heart Failure in Cancer Patients, from Diagnosis to Treatment". Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System 1.5 (2022): 38-42.


Copyright: © 2022 Marcos José Pereira Renni., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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