Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 2 Issue 11

An Interesting Case of Diffuse ICA Collapse in the Neck - The “Champagne Bottleneck” Sign

Vaibhav Mathur1*, Surabhi Mathur2 and Govind Sharan Sharma3

1DM Neurology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India
2MD Psychiatry, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India
3MD Medicine, Jaipuria Hospital, Jaipur, India

*Corresponding Author: Vaibhav Mathur, DM Neurology, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India.

Received: September 28, 2021; Published: October 23, 2021



We herein report a 26-year young female who experienced sudden onset loss of consciousness and unilateral limb weakness (side not recalled) on her postpartum Day 1, of her first pregnancy 2 years back, followed by gradual recovery of her motor weakness, but with residual deficits in speech, comprehension, cognition and memory. Her neuroimaging now shows old large bilateral middle and posterior cerebral artery territorial infarcts. Angiogram revealed non-visualisation of bilateral internal carotid and extensive “smoke-like” collateral Moya-Moya circulation in brain. However, interesting additional findings were bilateral extracranial (cervical portion) narrowing of proximal internal carotids up to carotid bulb, the so called “Champagne bottle neck” sign.

Keywords: Postpartum; Bilateral Large Infarcts; Moya-Moya; Extracranial ICA Narrowing; Carotid Collapse; Champagne Bottle Neck Sign



Citation: Vaibhav Mathur., et al. “An Interesting Case of Diffuse ICA Collapse in the Neck - The “Champagne Bottleneck” Sign". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 2.11 (2021): 34-36.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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