Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Research Article Volume 1 Issue 11

Electroencephalography Findings in Infants Diagnosed with Brief Resolved Unexplained Event

Ahmad Hammoud1, Rolla Shbarou2, Mona Hnaini3 and Chadi Al-Alam4*

1Pediatrics and Pediatrics Neurology, Makassed General Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon
2Pediatric Neurology Faculty, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
3Pediatrics and Pediatrics Neurology, Lebanon
4Pediatrics and Pediatrics Neurology, Haykel Hospital, El Koura, Lebanon

*Corresponding Author: Chadi AL-Alam, Pediatrics, Pediatrics Neurology, Haykel Hospital, El Koura, Lebanon.

Received: November 06, 2020; Published: November , 2020



  An apparent life-threatening event (ALTE) was defined in 1986 by the National Institutes of Health as an episode that frightens the observer, characterized by a combination of apnea, color changes, and a marked drop in muscle tone, accompanied by either choking or gagging [1]. In 2016 the American Academy of Pediatrics adopted the term Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE), in order to emphasize the transient nature and lack of clear cause for the incident, while eliminating the fear that the term ALTE instilled. We have observed that some electroencephalograms (EEG) in infants admitted to our hospital following ALTE or BRUE were in many cases considered dysmature. This is a retrospective chart review of infants diagnosed with ALTE or BRUE, over a 10-year period, looking at those who received an EEG. We found that 21% of EEG recordings were dysmature.

Keywords: Electroencephalogram; EEG; Dysmature EEG; BRUE; ALTE; Dysmaturity



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Citation: Chadi Al-Alam., et al. “Electroencephalography Findings in Infants Diagnosed with Brief Resolved Unexplained Event". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 1.11 (2020): .


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Impact Factor1.278

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