Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 1 Issue 9

Mediastinal Bronchogenic Cyst: Difference in Approach between Two Paradigms

Premjeet Singh and Narasimman Sathiamurthy*

Thoracic Unit, Department of General Surgery, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author: Narasimman Sathiamurthy, Thoracic Unit, Department of General Surgery, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia..

Received: June 29, 2020; Published: September 16, 2020



 Bronchogenic cysts are part of a spectrum of congenital abnormalities of the lung, including pulmonary sequestration, congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation and congenital lobar hyperinflation (emphysema). We would like to highlight two cases of mediastinal bronchogenic cysts operated in our centre with two different approaches.
 The first case is that of a 43-year-old lady, with an incidental finding of a posterior mediastinal cyst. The second case is a 40-yearold lady with history of tongue carcinoma 10 years ago for which she had completed treatment. Both the cases were treated in different surgical approach and outcome.
 Bronchogenic cysts are diagnosed nowadays on imaging modalities which are more easily available. Excision can be performed either by a posterolateral thoracotomy approach or by video assisted thoracoscopy with the intention to achieve complete excision of the cyst. However, if the cyst wall is in close proximity to vital structures, the cyst wall can be left alone as it has a low recurrence risk.

Keywords: Bronchogenic Cyst; Mediastinum; Thoracic Surgery; Video-Assisted



Citation: Premjeet Singh and Narasimman Sathiamurthy. “Mediastinal Bronchogenic Cyst: Difference in Approach between Two Paradigms". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 1.9 (2020): 16-18.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.278

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