Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Case Report Volume 5 Issue 9

Triple Therapy Approach for Treating Chromoblastomycosis in a Lebanese Patient

Joe Khodeir1*, Paul Ohanian2 and Hala Abi Rached Megarbane3

1University of Balamand, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Department of Dermatology at Saint Georges Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon
2University of Balamand, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Department of Family Medicine at Saint Georges Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon
3Saint George University of Beirut, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Department of Dermatology at Saint Georges Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon

*Corresponding Author: Joe Khodeir, University of Balamand, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Department of Dermatology at Saint Georges Hospital University Medical Center, Lebanon.

Received: July 15, 2024; Published: August 23, 2024

Citation: China S Brown and Shanika Lavi Wilson. “The Effects of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Black Teenage Males". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 5.9 (2024):03-10.


Background: Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic granulomatous skin infection caused by various pigmented fungi. We report the first documented case of chromoblastomycosis in Lebanon.

Methods: A 70-year-old female with comorbidities of diabetes and heart failure presented with asymptomatic plaques and nodules on her left hand over six months. Differential diagnoses were considered, and multiple biopsies were taken for histopathologic examination, mycobacterial PCR analysis, acid-fast culture, bacterial, and fungal cultures. Potassium hydroxide examination of lesion surfaces was performed.

Results: Histopathology showed hyperkeratotic skin with pseudoepitheliomatous epidermis and marked mixed interstitial inflammation suggestive of an infectious process. However, initial tests were inconclusive until characteristic spherical spores, indicative of muriform bodies, were identified through potassium hydroxide examination. Treatment with terbinafine was ineffective, but a multidrug regimen including cryotherapy, topical 5-Fluorouracil, and oral itraconazole resulted in significant lesion regression.

Conclusion: This case highlights the challenges in diagnosing chromoblastomycosis, especially in non-endemic regions, and its potential complications, including secondary bacterial infections. It underscores the importance of considering this diagnosis and the efficacy of a multidrug regimen involving cryotherapy, topical 5-Fluorouracil and itraconazole in managing this neglected tropical disease.

Keywords:Neglected Tropical Disease, Deep Fungal Infection of the Skin, Infectious Dermatology

Learning Points

  • Novel Insights: First documented case of chromoblastomycosis in Lebanon, expanding geographic understanding and raising awareness of this tropical skin infection among dermatologists.
  • Diagnostic Challenges: Highlights the use of potassium hydroxide examination for identifying muriform bodies as an effective, less invasive diagnostic method for chromoblastomycosis. And by shedding light on the complexities in diagnosing chromoblastomycosis, which can mimic various infectious and inflammatory skin disorders.
  • Innovative Treatment: Demonstrates significant improvement with a novel combination of cryotherapy, topical 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), and oral itraconazole, offering an alternative approach for refractory cases.


Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic granulomatous infection of the skin caused by several pigmented fungi, resulting in the formation of slow growing verrucous plaques and nodules [2]. In this article we report the first case [1] of chromoblastomycosis in Lebanon (Middle-East).

Case Report

It is the case of a 70 years old female patient with diabetes and heart failure, who presented for asymptomatic slowly growing plaques and nodules on her left hand in the past 6 months, treated with oral steroids and antibiotics without improvement. Physical exam showed three cauliflower-like hyperkeratotic nodules on the left forearm with secondary ulcerations and pustules, and no lymphadenopathy (Figure 1 – a,b). She denies any insect bites, occupational exposure or travel history, however she reports spending some time in gardening. The differential diagnosis included: tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacterial skin infection, neutrophilic dermatosis, sarcoidosis, deep fungal infection of the skin, sporotrichiosis and leishmaniasis. Multiple biopsies were taken for histopathologic examination, mycobacterial PCR analysis, acid fast culture, bacterial and fungal cultures. Histopathology showed hyperkeratotic skin with parakeratosis, pseudo-epithiliomatous epidermis and marked mixed interstitial inflammation with granulomatous and abscess formation in the dermis in favor of an infectious process. Special stains, mycobacterial PCR and acid fast cultures were negative. Bacterial culture was positive for Streptococcus agalactiae and the patient was started on amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. However, lesions kept growing and became more exophytic and verrucous in appearance with overlying black dots (Figure 1- c,d). A deep fungal infection of the skin was highly suspected, specifically chromoblastomycosis. Potassium Hydroxide examination of the black dots from the surface of the lesion showed numerous spherical spores, characteristic of muriform bodies (Figure 2) and fungal culture on sabouraud dextrose agar grew brownish colonies. The diagnosis of chromoblastomycosis was confirmed. The patient was started on oral terbinafine 500 mg daily without improvement after 6 weeks, then switched to oral itraconazole at 200 mg daily with no improvemen after 1 month. After monotherapy therapy failure, she was initiated on a combination of triple therapy consisting of 5 sessions of cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, and oral itraconazole 100 mg twice daily with topical 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) five times per week. Six weeks later she showed drastic improvement of her lesions and was maintained on this regimen for an additional 6 months.


Chromoblastomycosis is a tropical skin infection caused by several different dematiaceous fungi such as Fonsecaea spp and Cladophialophora spp [2], which manifest clinically by slow growing warty like plaques and nodules that can ulcerate [3]. Being a neglected tropical disease, it can have many serious complications such as secondary bacterial infections and deep tissue fibrosis [4]. In our case Streptococcus agalactiae, was identified as superinfection, and to our knowledge this the first case showing association between the two infectious agents. Diagnosing this entity is very challenging, since many infectious and inflammatory disorders can mimic the disease and must be ruled out [3,4]. The fungus evokes a granulomatous response in the dermis, with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the epidermis [4]. The fungal elements are rarely visible on histology as sclerotic or muriform bodies, which are brown and extruded transepidermally. They appear as black dots on the surface of the lesion which is characteristic of chromoblastomycosis [3]. Potassium hydroxide examination of these black dots, showing the muriform bodies, is an easier less invasive way to confirm the diagnosis, especially when they are not seen on histology such as in our case. The antifungal drugs of choice are itraconazole or terbinafine, given for a period of a year or more [2-4]. Other treatment options include, oral potassium iodide solution, cryotherapy and excision of solitary lesion [2]. In our case, terbinafine and itraconazole given as monotherapy were not effective, and the patient improved drastically on a combination of cryotherapy, topical 5-FU and oral itraconazole. To our knowledge this is the first case of chromoblastomycosis reported in Lebanon [1], which highlights a novel approach for treatment-resistant cases.


Chromoblastomycosis is often a forgotten mycosis, that manifests as slowly growing verrucous lesions. Characteristic black dots are seen on the surface of the lesions, representing the sclerotic bodies seen on histology. Dermatologists should keep in mind this diagnosis even if the area is not endemic of the disease.

Funding Sources






Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article.

Patient Consent and Ethics Statement

This study was not performed on any human or animal subjects and written informed consent was taken from the patient before publishing.


This study explores the impact of authoritarian parenting on the mental health, social skills, and substance use of black adolescent males. Research indicates that these teens may encounter greater challenges in emotional well-being and substance use when raised in strict households. However, the existing literature often overlooks the experiences of black teenage boys, highlighting the need for further investigation in this area. It is imperative that any interventions developed are culturally sensitive and consider the unique perspectives of Black Americans. Theories such as Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory and Empowerment Theory offer a valuable understanding of addressing these challenges. Additionally, policy initiatives like Medicaid and CHIP aim to ensure fair access to mental health services. Interventions such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Multisystemic Therapy (MST), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) provide support for parents and teens, yet there remains a need for interventions specifically tailored to the distinct needs of teenage black boys. There is still a significant amount of work needed to address the issues that arise from authoritarian parenting, and it falls upon social workers, therapists, policymakers, and the community to act and bring about necessary changes.


  1. Alam W., et al. “Neglected Tropical Diseases in Lebanon”. Acta Parasitology2 (2022): 809-819.
  2. Queiroz-Telles F., et al. “Chromoblastomycosis”. Clinical Microbiology Review1 (2017): 233-276.
  3. Shenoy M., et al. “Chromoblastomycosis: A case series and literature review”. Indian Dermatology Online Journal 5 (2023): 665.
  4. Sarangi G. “Chromoblastomycosis: A neglected tropical disease”. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University 2 (2021): 234.

Copyright: © 2024 Joe Khodeir. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.