Phenotypic Variation, Broad-Sense Heritability and Interrelationship between Grain Yield, Nutritional Traits and Milling Quality in South
African Maize Hybrids
reduces the milling ability and the quality of end products such as
rice with different degrees of milling showed that each milling step
led to increased total starch content and amylose while decreas-
[46]. Quinoa, wheat and barley
were also reported to have similar physiochemical properties as
Simiao rice [47].
with milling quality, both traits are important contributors to the
cholesterol and reduce other health risk factors such as heart dis-
ease and stomach cancer [48]
bre and their correlation with milling quality and other nutritional
quality traits to successful breed for balance of traits in maize crop.
and G17-Ex were associated with high protein and grain yield,
indicating the possibility of simultaneous improvement of maize
grain yield and protein content for these hybrids. These hybrids
can further be used as potential varieties for commercial release
and production. It is important to note that the majority of African
nations and other regions of the world suffer from malnutrition
and undernourishment. This might be attributable to the fact that
most of these nations’ daily meals are staple foods (maize, wheat,
and rice). When compared to legume crops, most staple meals give
a large amount of carbohydrates as a source of energy and a low
amount of protein, essential minerals and vitamins. Although car-
bohydrates provide energy, a healthy diet should include protein,
vitamins, and other minerals. As a result, effectively breeding im-
proved maize varieties with high protein content along with nutri-
two experimental hybrids (G16-Ex and G17-Ex) were associated
with high grain yield and protein, further indicating a need to in-
corporate the commercial inbred varieties as potential parents in a
breeding programme to introduce these desirable traits.
The PCA showed that hybrids G2-C, G4-Ex, G10-C, G15-Ex and
G18-Ex were associated with good milling quality, fat and mois-
ture. These hybrids are most desirable in the maize industry due
to the high milling quality. However, milling quality, fat and mois-
Ex, G10-C, G15-Ex and G18-Ex indicating that an improvement of
these traits will be associated with high levels of defective grain.
A selection index may be used to ensure the balance of grain yield
with quality traits. Milling quality or milling index is a measure of
the milling ability and quality of maize kernels, with better milling
quality implying more extractable and high-grade of lucrative prod-
ucts such as samp, maize rice, and maize grits (degermed goods)
made from the corneous part of the endosperm [49]. Most of the
population in SSA consumes maize in the form of samp and pap/
porridge and the quality of these products depends on maize mill-
ing ability. Breeding for superior maize hybrids with high starch,
and as well as high milling quality is required to reduce food inse-
curity and hunger in SSA and other regions of the world.
The clustered heat map did not group the hybrids based on
whether they were commercial or experimental hybrids. The one
cluster of hybrids (G4-Ex, G5-C, G6-C, G8-C, and G11-Ex) was as-
sociated with high grain yield but also associated with lower values
for important traits such as protein and milling quality. Interest-
ing was that the cluster of hybrids (G3-C, G10-C, G12-Ex, G15-Ex,
and G18-Ex) that was associated with high milling quality, was also
associated with low values for protein and grain yield, indicating
that the improvement of these two important maize traits will have
could indicate that there is a need for the development of a selec-
tion index in a maize breeding programme to ensure multiple trait
selection and improvement of traits without a penalty to other
The study revealed the presence of variability among maize hy-
brids and across environments which can be exploited for future
crop improvement. Broad-sense heritability and predicted selec-
tion gain for grain yield were low, highlighting the complexity in the
genetic improvement of grain yield. Broad-sense heritability was
high for almost all the nutritional quality traits. Superior experi-
mental hybrids G15-Ex (grain yield, fat content, and milling qual-
ity), G16-Ex (protein and low moisture content), G11-Ex (starch
indicated the possibility of simultaneous trait selection and im-
provement in maize breeding programmes. Grain yield and protein
were positively correlated and both traits were negatively corre-
considered for multiple traits improvement. Only two experimental
hybrids (G16-Ex and G17-Ex) were associated with both high grain
yield and protein content. Hybrids G2-C, G4-Ex, G10-C, G15-Ex and
Citation: NW Mbuma., et al. “Phenotypic Variation, Broad-Sense Heritability and Interrelationship between Grain Yield, Nutritional Traits and Milling
Quality in South African Maize Hybrids". Acta Scientific Agriculture 8.7 (2024): 34-45.