Acta Scientific Microbiology

Research ArticleVolume 1 Issue 2

Evaluation of Antibiotics Prescriptions in the City of Vitória, ES - Brazil, and its Relation with Laboratory Diagnosis

Elton Carvalho Costa1 and Clarisse Maximo Arpini2*

1Pharmaceutical, Specialist in Clinical Analyzes, Emescam, Brazil
2Microbiologist, Laboratory of General Microbiology, University of Vila Velha-UVV, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Clarisse Maximo Arpini, Microbiologist, Laboratory of General Microbiology, University of Vila Velha-UVV, Brazil.

Received: December 13, 2017; Published: January 08, 2018

DOI: 10.31080/ASMI.2018.01.0009

Citation: Elton Carvalho Costa and Clarisse Maximo Arpini . “Evaluation of Antibiotics Prescriptions in the City of Vitória, ES - Brazil, and its Relation with Laboratory Diagnosis””. Acta Scientific Microbiology 1.2 (2018).


Introduction: The correct diagnostics is determinant for the success of the therapy, but if eliminate any step of investigation process, either by negligence, excess of self-assurance, due to a reduction in costs or due to lack of custom to request some laboratory exami- nation, can cause several consequences for the patient, like error on prescription, prescription of antibiotic unnecessary, adverse effects for drug interactions and the argument of bacteria strain multi-resistant.

Objective: To carry out data collection based on analysis of prescriptions and to correlate with the request of laboratory tests for the diagnosis and prescription of antibiotics.

Material and Method: Due to this problem, 90 antimicrobial prescriptions were analyzed with information about how the diagno- sis was made, whether clinical examination alone or whether laboratory tests were requested and which were performed.

Result: We found a total of 83% of prescriptions without laboratory tests, prescribed by the most diverse medical specialties.

Conclusion: The findings reinforce the need of education of health professionals for the modification of these habits.

Keywords: Clinical Analysis; Prescription; Antibiotic; Diagnosis


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Copyright: © 2018 Elton Carvalho Costa and Clarisse Maximo Arpini. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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